Water pollution paragraph

Water pollution
Water pollution refers to the process of polluting water. Water is an important element of the environment. It is essential for human, animal and plant life. It can be polluted in many ways. We pollute it by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields. They use other chemicals to kill insects. Rain and floods wash away some of the chemical which cause water pollution. News and factories use many poisonous chemicals. They throw their waste into rivers and canals which is also cause water pollution. In rural areas the Ponds, canals and rivers are polluted by the indiscriminate throwing of waste materials. By drinking this polluted water, we may become sick. we should make people conscious of the harmful effect of polluted water. At any cost we should prevent water pollution for our own sake. If we succeed in this regard we will be able to prevent water pollution and preserve good health.

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