A wonderful goose / The greedy farmer story

    A wonderful goose
There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that it was difficult for him to keep patience. He grew impatient to have all the eggs at a time. He thought that if he got all the eggs in a day, he would be very rich quickly. He was quite tempted.

As a result, he hit upon a plan to cut the belly of the Goose and collect all the eggs all together. He told his wife about the plan. His wife suggesting him not to do such unwise activity. But he paid no heed to her.

In order to implement his plan, he took a knife and cut the belly of the goose. To his utter surprise, he found no egg there. Another sad news for him was that the goose died for bleeding. The farmer was very shocked at the incident. He realised that he implemented a foolish plan. For his greed, he lost the wonderful goose forever.