My childhood memories

My childhood memories
Childhood is the sweetest period of human life. Everybody is found of remembering his or her childhood days and I am no exception to this rule.
I hardly remember what happened during the first four years of my life. But so far as guess, I was an object of care and affection to all in the family.
I fondly remember the day of the beginning of my learning. I was then 5 years old. I was sent to village pathshala. There I was admitted to class 1. This village pathshala was an interesting place to me.
But the day ever to be remembered by me is the day on which is my grandmother died. It is the saddest day of my life. I was then 9 years old, so I could not properly understand what that meant. My father was sobbing, my mother was weeping bitterly and my uncle was crying, but I burst into a loud cry. Even now my eyes get wet with tears whenever her face flashes into my mind.
Another important event that I fully remember was the marriage ceremony of my uncle. I was then 12 years old. Our house was full of guests, and I passed a few days in the midst of joy and mirth. My aunt is highly qualified; she is kind and loving too. Soon I grew into her favour and affection. She took charge of my education and became my guide and guardian.
Of collections outside school, the memory of plucking flower, stealing mangoes, coconuts, etc. is still refresh in my mind. How happy I was at my childhood days! I wish I were a child again.

Robert bruce story

Robert Bruce
There lived a king in a country. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought bravely but lost the battle. he wished to regain his Kingdom at any cost. He made six attempts one after another to curb his enemies but failed . He then hid himself in a cave. One day he was laying in cave in a pensive  mood. Then he could see a spider trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave. the spider felt repeatedly but did not give up hope. The king saw that the spider became successful to climb up the ceiling of the roof by the seventh attempt. This inspired the king. He became resolved to fight again. The king gathered an army of strong man and attacked his enemies again. This time he became successful to defeat them and regained and his lost Kingdom.

A friend in need is a friend indeed story

A friend in need is a friend indeed
There were two friends. They lived in a certain village. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. one day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly they heard a loud sound. It was a bear. So, both of them are afraid and wear at a loss what to do. One of them knew how to climb a tree. He left his friend in danger and took shelter on a tree. The other friend was helpless. Suddenly a plan came in his mind. He knew that the bear doesn't eat any did animal. Finding no way, he decided to pretend to be dead. According to his plan, he lay on the ground like a dead one. At last, the beer came and found him lying on the ground. The bear  smelt the body and considered him to be dead. It went away without doing any harm. When the bear went away, his friend got down from the tree. He asked him what the bear had whispered to him. The friend replied that the bear forbade him to keep company with such a friend who leaves his friend in danger. Hearing this, his friends felt ashamed and went away. 

A wonderful goose / The greedy farmer story

    A wonderful goose
There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that it was difficult for him to keep patience. He grew impatient to have all the eggs at a time. He thought that if he got all the eggs in a day, he would be very rich quickly. He was quite tempted.

As a result, he hit upon a plan to cut the belly of the Goose and collect all the eggs all together. He told his wife about the plan. His wife suggesting him not to do such unwise activity. But he paid no heed to her.

In order to implement his plan, he took a knife and cut the belly of the goose. To his utter surprise, he found no egg there. Another sad news for him was that the goose died for bleeding. The farmer was very shocked at the incident. He realised that he implemented a foolish plan. For his greed, he lost the wonderful goose forever.

The honest wood-cutter story

The honest woodcutter

There lived a woodcutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, the axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim and dive. So he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the Woodcutter. The fairy asked him why he was crying. He told her everything. The fairy took pity on him. She went into the river and came back with a golden axe. She asked the woodcutter if it was his axe. The woodcutter replied in the negative. She then again went into the water and returned with a silver one. This time also the woodcutter refused to take it. Finally she brought the axe of the woodcutter from the water. The Woodcutter was delighted to get back his iron axe. The fairy become pleased with the woodcutter at his honesty and gave him to valuable axes as reward. Honesty is thus always rewarded.

Climate change paragraph


Climate change

Climate change means the changes in climate. Human activities are greatly responsible for climate change. For habitation and agricultural purpose, we are cutting down trees and destroying forests. This affects the climate adversely. Besides, use of CFCs and various other chemicals in industries causes serious harm to the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
As a result. there is a rapid increase in earth’s average temperature causing greenhouse effect. This is because, the world is greatly affected by climate change. Everyday one or another part of the world is now affected by natural calamities. Climate change has also serious impact on Bangladesh.
Because of climate change the glaciers  are melting and the sea level is rising. Bangladesh may face different types of natural disasters such as floods, droughts. cyclone. Sidr. Ayla etc. Besides, some parts of the coastal areas of the country may go under water in near future.
So to solve this problem, the government of Bangladesh should take adequate precautionary  measures to save life and property from the cruel claws of these natural calamities. Bangladesh has to work with the world community to save her people from the dangerous impacts of climate change.(150-200 words)

Adolescence paragraph



Adolescence is the critical stage of human physical and phychological development towrds adulthood. Generally it is a period after childhood and before adulthood. It is critical because this stage is characterized by fast paced growth and change in which there are some changes and development in biological process of the body in adolescence. Many adolescents face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and initiate sexual relationships putting themselves at high risk for international and unintentional injuries, unintended pregnancies and sexual transmitted infections including the human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Many also experience a wide range of adjustment and mental health problems. Behaviour patterns that are established during this period such as the use or avoidance of drugs and taking abstaining from sexual risk can have long lasting negative and positive effects on future health and well being. As a result adults have unique opportunities to influence adolescents whereas they are unable to understand these matters at this stage. Naturally families, communities, schools, health services and their workplaces should come up to make them understand and help them make a successful entrance from childhood to adulthood. In this regard parents should be more Co-operative to care of their children.

Water pollution paragraph

Water pollution
Water pollution refers to the process of polluting water. Water is an important element of the environment. It is essential for human, animal and plant life. It can be polluted in many ways. We pollute it by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields. They use other chemicals to kill insects. Rain and floods wash away some of the chemical which cause water pollution. News and factories use many poisonous chemicals. They throw their waste into rivers and canals which is also cause water pollution. In rural areas the Ponds, canals and rivers are polluted by the indiscriminate throwing of waste materials. By drinking this polluted water, we may become sick. we should make people conscious of the harmful effect of polluted water. At any cost we should prevent water pollution for our own sake. If we succeed in this regard we will be able to prevent water pollution and preserve good health.

Air pollution paragraph

Air pollution       
Of all elements that make up our environment air is the most important. We cannot live without air for a few minutes. Clean air is essential for our health and life. Air may be polluted in many ways. All kinds of smokes pollute air. We cook food, burn brikes and refuses and melt pitch and that produce smoke. Moreover, Railway engines and powerhouses burn oil and coal in order to produce energy and create smoke in this way. Buses, trucks, cars and baby Texas use petrol and diesel as fuel. Burning these fuels they create a smoke. Our meals and factories use coal and many chemicals that pollute air. The most serious air pollution occurs in big industrial towns and cities. By inhaling impure air we become sick. Sometimes it causes our death also. We must prevent this air pollution. By preventing air pollution we can be healthier and happier.

The Street Children paragraph

The Street Children  
Those who live in the street and have no definite place to live in are called street children. Their condition is very pathetic. They roam here and there on the streets, eat the leftover food from the roadside dustbins and sleep on footpaths or stations. Some of them earn their livelihood working as a porter. Some live by begging, some by serving as a servant in the houses of aristocrats, some by stealing things from shops and houses, and some by selling flowers. Some of them collect pieces of paper, old plastic things, torn shoes, etc. They do these jobs mainly for living. It is an irony of fate that these children are deprived of their basic rights such as food, shelter, clothing and education. They are very helpless. They suffer from malnutrition and get attacked with various diseases at their early age. When they grow up, they get themselves involved into illegal activities such as pocket picking and snatching. These street children have no family identity. Their parents have left them on the streets either because they have illegal birth or because their parents have got married twice or thrice. Finding no other alternative, they take shelter on the streets. These street children never think of going to school. Even they cannot have a square meal everyday let alone medical treatment. They are completely deprived of the basic needs of life. However, the government along with all conscious people should come forward to upgrade their status so that they can live as human beings and enjoy their basic rights 

My country-Bangladesh paragraph

My country-Bangladesh 

The name of our country is the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is one the most beautiful country in the world. Our country was a part of Pakistan before 1971. Then we freed our country and achieved victory after nine month's liberation war. 3 million people sacrificed their lives in the liberation war in 1971. Our independence day is 26th March and Victory day is 16th December. The national language of our country is Bangla. It is also a matter of great pride for us that we are the only nation who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their mother tongue in  21st February of 1952. In order to show respect to them, UNESCO has declared 21st February as International Mother Language Day. The name of the capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka. It is the busiest and populated city of our country. The total population is 16 crore. The total area of our country is 1,47,570 square km. Our country is a river oriented country. The main rivers of our country are Padma, Jamuna, Meghna. But due to pollution and river pollution, all of these rivers have shrunk. People of all religion live peacefully in this country but most of them are Muslim. The famous places for tourist's visit to our country are Sundarban, Cox'sBazar, St Martin, Kuakata. Sundarban is the largest Mangrove forest in the world. Cox's Bazar has the longest sea beach. The main occasion that people celebrate is Eid Ul Fitar, Eid Ul Ajha, Pahela Baishakh etc. Bangladesh is a developing country. The economics of this country is mainly based on agriculture. The main crops that this country produce are rice, jute, tea, fruit etc. The country also earns a large amount of foreign remittance by exporting RMG and Manpower.  The main food that the inhabitant of this country eat are rice and fish. Hilsha is the national fish and Doyel is the national bird of our country. The national beast of the country is Royal Bengal Tiger. The national bird of our country is Doyel and national flower is Shapla. Hadudu is the national game of our country but Cricket is the most popular game. People of this country knows how to live happily and peacefully within poverty and national hazards.